Fix Files & Folders Permissions


Default file permissions should be 644 and default folder permissions should be 755. Sometimes while working on partitions that doesn’t recognize Linux File Permissions such as: NTFS, all files and folders permissions turns to 777 which propose a major security risk.

Find Bad Perms

To find bad permissions in certain folder path: sites/all for example, use the following command:

find sites/all/ \( -type d -perm -o+w -exec ls -dl '{}' \; \) , \( -type f -perm -o+x -exec ls -l '{}' \; \) | less

This will list all files and folders with bad permissions. You can finish the command by pressing q key.

Fix Bad Perms

To fix all bad permissions of the previously found files and folders, use the following command:

find sites/all/ \( -type d -perm -o+w -exec chmod 755 '{}' \; \) , \( -type f -perm -o+x -exec chmod 644 '{}' \; \)

This command is silent, and you’ll see no output until it finishes and return the prompt back to you.

PLEASE NOTE: The command will operate on all files and folders found by the first find command. Make sure that you review the list or be more specific with the folder path.